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Boy Racers Page!
For all the racers on the site!
This is where you'll find images of cars that ive seen around and that i like the look of. I dont have a scanner at the moment, so these pics will have to do for now, but i should be getting a scanner soon! so pics will start appearing!

The CRX!!!!!!!
This is my car!!! It's a Honda CRX.

The testAROSA!!!!
My mates Seat Arosa, as he'd like it to look!!! This is a digitally enhanced pic of his car. I think it looks good!!!!!!!

The CRX by night
This is a pic taken at Dans house. It now has the common CRX 'OUCH' arches, and the multi coloured front end, which I will get sorted when I have some cash.

The CRX's Rear by night
This is a pic of the rear of my CRX.I have left in the 'E' part of the number plate, just so people can see that it is an E reg mark 1 CRX.

New Seats!!!
Dont these seats fit perfectly!!!!
There immaculate Mark 2 CRX seats, all I had to do to get them to fit was to take the runners off the original seats and put them on these.
They are really comfy!!!!

More Seats!!!
This is a front shot of the new seats from the outside.you can also see the multi coloured front end.

Passenger side!!
This is a pic of the passenger side of the CRX.You can see the multi coloured front end still. And if you look closely, you'll be able to see my knight rider LED on the front!!!! :)