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Barcilona 2000

Brands Hatch 2001

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Italy Tour 2002

Barcilona 2000
A few pics of the latest tour by the Chichester Youth Concert Band, of which im in, to Spain!
Im sure that i will get a few comments from the people involved. When i have some Scanned in i'll post them up!!!!

The Group!
Me and some of my mates in the Ramblers! its a shopping street!Spot me! This pic was pinched off of fatstuff and beans guide to life! go therem its great!!! if you want it removed guys, email me and i will remove it!!
Spotted this rather large dent in the side of the ferry on the way out. None of us trusted the captain after that!!!!
The whole band!!
This pic was taken on the last day of the tour by our pool. See if you can spot me, I'll give you a clue, third boyo in!!!!!!!
Dave and the drivers
This was taken on the presentation night on the last night of the tour. These two coach drivers were the best, and we have them again for our next tour, Italy 2002!!!!
Spot Howard!!!!!!!
Can you spot Howard the hedgehog???
Howards hamock!!!
We all chipped in and bought howard this hamock and we all signed it. It was presented to him on the presentation night.