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Italy Tour 2002

Chichester Youth Concert Band Tour Italy 2002

Pics of our recent tour to Lake Garda and its surrounding areas in Italy
Much Debortury to be had!!!

Dave really should look where he's going sometimes. Nice bruse afterwards!!

Dave always manages to sniff out the big beers!!

This speaks for its self!!

Emma and some nice scenery on the lake!

The scenery on the lake was stunning, and the mountains weren't bad either!!

I know, ive over done the Scenery shots of the lake. But it was awsome!!

Romeo, Romeo, where for art thou Romeo?? Infact, Where for art thou Juliet???

It was actually very nice!!

Only the British, well, only Jamie actually!!

Roman Villa Foundations. So they do have archiology in other countries!!!

The Colusium In Verona.

Inside the Colusium. Apparently its the second largest in Itlay!

Im told its called Lovers Island!!!??? Its in Venice.

The front end of lovers island.

The court yard of the famous palace in Venice. It is rather large!!

The gratuitus Gondola photo.

Honestly Paul, isn't one enough??????

She was the horniest cow i'd ever met!!!!!

What a Kodak moment!!!!









