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Barcilona 2000

Brands Hatch 2001

Boy Racer Page

Italy Tour 2002

About Me
Just call me Pockets
Well this page is about me so here we go,

I'm male, twenty three years old, I have dark brown hair, brown eyes, about 5 foot 10, I have a beutiful girlfriend named Sophie, she's 20 and at Southampton uni. I still live with my parents (well why change when it's free).

I live in Haslemere in Surrey which itself is in good old England. I work for a security company based here in Haslemere.

By the way there is a story behind that picture but I'm not going to go into it now.

I play the Clarinet in the Chichester Youth Concert Band and I also sort of play the guitar and drums.

Anyway that's all I can think of for now, If I think of anything else I'll add it.